Centro Informazioni Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt
Sede in Germania registrata nel 2008, qualità del servizio Certificata TÜV dal 2012!
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Sede in Germania registrata nel 2008, qualità del servizio Certificata TÜV dal 2012!
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Centro Informazioni Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt

Hair Transplant FUE Technique

The extraction method with the FUE-Technique

The extraction technique is one of the most important and decisive criteria for a hair transplant: It is not the most important to take as many grafts as possible, the decisive factor is the quality of the hair roots in order to achieve a high growth rate.

Hair Transplant Fue TechniqueHair Transplant Fue Technique

The FUE method has been used internationally for several years and is the most advanced method of hair transplantation. This popular method does not use a strip of hair – as with the FUT technique, but only involves taking a follicular unit, called a graft. A graft may contain 1-4 hairs.

When the FUE extraction technique is used, the size of the punch needle i.e. the punch needle selected is crucial to limit the harm caused to the donor area. The finer the punch needle is, the less resulting skin damage is caused to the donor area and the less visible the sites of removal are later.

Motorised Hair Extraction (Micromotor-Extraction)

Hair Transplant Fue Technique Micromotor

Our selected team uses a micromotor for hair removal. With motorised extraction, up to 4000 grafts can be taken per treatment.

Improper use of the micromotor can also cause damage. However, every patient receives a preliminary examination during which the size and the diameter of the hollow needle is determined. It is important that the hollow needle is always set correctly for each patient and that the micromotor itself is only used by an experienced specialist, who has studied in this field.

The micromotor can even provide an advantage over the manual technique since the applied pressure is always constant. With manual extraction and a number of several thousands incisions, it is likely that the pressure coming from the wrist, may be somewhat stronger or a little weaker.

As each patient receives a 25 year guarantee on the transplanted hair, it is important for our team that a good growth rate is achieved through the correct use of the micromotor and that the treatment for the patient is performed gently and satisfactory. Furthermore, the extracted grafts are tested and examined by a lab technician. Only the healthy grafts are used – Any damaged or stunted Grafts will be discarded and not counted.

Manual Hair extraction (Hollow needle (manual) and pen extraction)

Hair Transplant Fue and dhi Technique

The manual hair removal is also applied, but here the risk of side effects (such as the destruction of the extracted grafts and the neighbouring grafts) is much higher.

With this method only a maximum withdrawal of 1,500 grafts (per session) is possible. The procedure takes longer and a large hair transplantation team is required. You may also require a longer stay of 4-5 days. It is better to choose the motorised removal and the micromotor must be used as slowly as possible during the extraction. In doing so this treatment for transplanting the grafts is harmless. Please contact us before your arrival, as well as talking to our highly qualified doctors in the preliminary examination.

All techniques are being used in our clinic.
